Modals Add to shortcut list

You can personalize your dashboard by using widgets.

Success Modal Alert

Bootstrap modal component

Info Modal Alert

Bootstrap modal component

Warning Modal Alert

Bootstrap modal component

Danger Modal Alert

Bootstrap modal component

Colored Modal Alert

Bootstrap modal component

Colored Modal Alert

Bootstrap modal component

Colored Modal Alert

Bootstrap modal component

Colored Modal Alert

Bootstrap modal component

Colored Header Modal

Bootstrap modal component

Colored Header Modal

Bootstrap modal component

Colored Header Modal

Bootstrap modal component

Colored Header Modal

Bootstrap modal component

Animation Effect

You can apply any animation effect to your modal.
Animation Effect bounceIn

Modal with animate.css

Animation Effect bounceInLeft

Modal with animate.css

Animation Effect bounceInRight

Modal with animate.css

Animation Effect bounceInDown

Modal with animate.css

Animation Effect wobble

Modal with animate.css

Animation Effect flipInX

Modal with animate.css

Animation Effect flipInY

Modal with animate.css

Animation Effect rollIn

Modal with animate.css

Modal with others

Modal component can be composed with others.
Modal with Sign Up form

Small modal size with Sign Up form

Modal with Tabs

Default modal size with Tabs

Responsive Large Modal

Large modal size with Sign Up form

Large Modal Grid System

Large modal size with grid system

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  • Theme Settings
  • Header fixed
  • Sidebar fixed
  • Sidebar sticky*
  • Sidebar collapsed
  • Footer fixed
  • Sidebar sticky* - by scrolling up and down the page, the menu placed on the sidebar moves along with the content until the bottom of the menu is reached. Learn more