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1,256 Items

Average Duration


Total Sales




Traffic Source / Top Referrals
  • Direct

    67% 691,279

  • Referrals

    21% 216,670

  • Search Engines

    12% 123,811

Sales / Top Brands
  • Women's Clothing

    28% $43,498.69

  • Men's Clothing

    19% $29,516.97

  • Computers

    15% $23,302.87

1. Banana Republic $7,124.23
2. Calvin Klein $6,389.26
3. Ralph Lauren $5,826.64
4. Tommy Hilfiger $5,064.62
5. Lenovo $4,536.72
Activity Feed View full report
  • Harry Jones 5 min ago
    Published a product: "Jade Elephant T-shirt".
  • Teddy Wilson (10 min ago)
    Created a new collection: "Summer with Style".
  • Daniel Taylor (12 min ago)
    Created a new page: "Free tools".
Buy Elephant Now!
  • Theme Settings
  • Header fixed
  • Sidebar fixed
  • Sidebar sticky*
  • Sidebar collapsed
  • Footer fixed
  • Sidebar sticky* - by scrolling up and down the page, the menu placed on the sidebar moves along with the content until the bottom of the menu is reached. Learn more